02.-06.07. | Klokulturwoche im Prinzessinnengarten

Tuesday, 2. July 2019 - 11:00 to Saturday, 6. July 2019 - 22:00

Join us for a week of learning, sharing, thinking, and doing with a great program of events and activities all about circularity, waste, and ecology. And the literal and metaphorical focus of it all will be the TOILET! A week on the politics of poop, the culture of the khazi, the uses of urine, disgust, practicalities, ecologies, and seriously thinking whether the idea of flushing our business "away" makes any sense at all.

» Klo-Kultur-Woche // 2nd - 6th July 2019 // Berlin - Prinzessinnengarten, Moritzplatz «

2./3.7 Participatory building - circular loo-art toilet sculpture - with Sebastian Däschle

3./4./5.7 Mornings: 3. bis 5. Juli: KinderSommerCamp Kreisläufe und ich!? (6-10yrs) **Questions & registration: bildung@kante.info**

3.7 from 18:00 DAS GUTE KLO - Lesung & Schreibwerkstatt mit Michael Holzwarth [DE]
4.7 from 18:00 Carmen Thomas:„Urin statt Uran? - Neues vom besonderen Saft“ [DE]
5.7 from 20:00 Filmabend Regenerative Landwirtschaft - "Unbroken Ground" [EN/DE]

6.7 from 14:00 KloMarkt - Kreislaufaction, Experimente & Kompost Start-Ups