Celebrating the award from Land der Ideen

On Saturday, 15. October, DYCLE officially received the award from the "Germany - Land of ideas" competition 2016.

All the audience that DYCLE wanted to invite has participated in our “actions”. We planted our first apple tree into a mobile container and we added some special supplement: the Terra Preta black soil that was made out of baby diapers during last year’s pilot project. Everybody gave a handful of this special soil to this tree.

Tree planting has a meaning of committing to the next generation. Especially fruit trees expand our imagination to the next 10 or 20 years and further on. We invited the attendees to write a wish for themselves or their children to be attached to the tree. Now the tree carries everybody’s energy and wishes to grow.

DYCLE was chosen for this award from more than thousand ideas in the category “environment”, Dörte Schütz from Land der Ideen pointed out. She gave a introduction to the award, which is now in its 11th year.

Mike Seeger from Deutsche Bank handed over the award to Ayumi Matsuzaka, the founder of DYCLE, and the team. In his speech he remarked on the importance initiatives like DYCLE and emphasized their ecological, social and economic aspects. We are all in a neighbourhood, he said. 

We were very lucky to borrow an juice squeezer from Mosterei Ketzuer (http://mosterei-ketzuer.de), a company from near Berlin who produces juice out of local fruit. It required some team work to crush and press the apples and everybody was amazed by the freshly pressed apple juice at the end. Not only children became a fan of this juice immediately but also adults had a new experience by learning the taste of nature.

DYCLE wants to take care of old species of fruit trees. How was the taste of apple cake few centuries ago? - With this curiosity, we found an old apple cake recipe from 1553 and we baked a unique apple pie that had simple ingredients but nonetheless required more work than we expected.

The DYCLE team appreciates once again the encouragement for our progress and is thankful for all the advice from all over the world. This award “Germany - Land of ideas” came through everybody’s involvements. We are on our way to the next step to achieve more altogether!



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