When we talk about DYCLE, we talk about Systemic design, but actually, what is Systemic Design?
Over the years, design has extended its boundaries interacting with other fields and offering more points of view on solving problems. It has become a reference for innovation and development and Innovation does not reside in the latest technological update, but in a shift of paradigm: the way we look at problems.
Systemic design goes even further. It engages the metabolism principles of nature to look beyond existence solutions. It is about turned the output from a problem into a resource: Who have ever imagined that the poo of our babies can turn into a valuable rich input Materia to growing fruit trees that will allow interconnected new activities like diapers and food production. That’s mean a higher order system, entail multiple subsystems and this is exactly how nature works.
By integrating systems thinking’s theory, systemic design working from a truly interdisciplinary brings the human at the center of the project to complex, multi-stakeholder service systems, generating a new economic model which, use the potentialities of the value local resources (humans, culture, materials) in order to helps resolve local problems by creating new opportunities, cultural identification and shared value. And this is actually what DYCLE has been doing!
Life and nature are the key of our existence. Therefore, we need to be deeply aware and help to create naturally harmonious systems and take them as models for our new future technologies. We are faced with a future where we need to be able to create sustainable communities
Eliana López / Systemic designer