Thank you 2017!

Hello 2018! Thank you 2017! Our new video is online.

In the past year we have developed our 100% plastic-free bio-based diaper inlay and successfully tested it with a group of families in Berlin. Now we are building up a production line, so we can go into operation soon.

We want to thank all people that have contributed their time and energy to support DYCLE and to bring forward the project.

Thank you very much: participating parents and their sweet babies, Social Impact Lab, Jugend- und Familienstiftung Berlin, Familien- und Stadtteilzentrum Pankow, The Place Berlin, Berliner Sparkasse, participants of our hackathons and diaper production days, visitors at the Open Sourc Circular Economy days, material suppliers of our diapers, Real Junk Food project, Eden studio, Marktschwämerei Pankow, Prinzessinnengarten, Bosch Challenge, AWO design thinking participants, Windelmanufaktur, Maker Faire, GreenBuzz, Wandlitzer Erden, Biomimicry Germany, TU Berlin, Atelier Sieben, our team of scientists, the Blue Economy network and all people from all over the world who are patientiently  waiting for our updates.

And thank you very much, Santiago from Tasconfilms!



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